Home from Cambodia

Hello Friends!

I am home from across the world!

 In some ways it is good to be back, but I miss many things about Cambodia.

I miss the genuineness of the people; the contentment and happiness of the children in the midst of great poverty; the open honesty of interaction that takes place in Cambodia;  I miss the markets...(today I had to go into Top Foods...and the rows and rows of perfect vegetables were horrible.  They are about ten times as expensive and about half as tasty as the Cambodian versions);  I miss eating with chopsticks (one certainly develops skill in that area when faced with a bowl of thin, slippery rice noodles for breakfast).

All that being said, and being true, I am also very grateful for our blessings in the United States.  Every day I notice more blessings that were invisible to me before, and I pray that I would retain that newfound gratitude my whole life.  We have more prosperity than we dream, and things we think nothing of are gold to them.

This week I'll be going through pictures (it's spring break still, right Mom?) and I look forward to posting more soon.

Clarification: I realized too late that the combination of 'V' personalities in my posts might be slightly confusing.  Mr. V is one of the founders of Vision for Villages, (the tall guy) and the friend of our family with whom I traveled over.  V is Vibol, the main pastor in Cambodia, and the pioneer in church planting.  Soon I'll be posting his story as he told it to us.

I want to thank each one of you for my prayers during this trip.  It was certainly the experience of a lifetime, and I'm still digesting it all.  The whole trip went very smoothly, and I was thankful to keep my health intact through all of it.  :)  We were able to see different parts of Cambodia, both the cities and the rural, and to meet and talk with many believers.  The best part was worshiping with them--crossing all barriers with the closest ties, those of blood relatives.  In each place we sought to communicate our love for them, and the kinship we share, and what clicked most for them was our affirmation, "We'll meet you in heaven, and spend eternity with you!"  They understood that, and it lit them up.  Yes! Yes!  This meeting and parting is not permanent, but only temporary, and after that we will see Him face to face, we will know as we are known, and bring Him praise together. 

Till then we run as He has called us.


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