carrying on the vision

This past weekend, we saw the faithfulness of God visibly demonstrated in a remarkable way. In 1985, Richard Denham began the annual Fiel Conference as an initiative to disciple pastors. He envisioned a network of men who would receive materials through the Adopt a Pastor program, then come together once a year to build relationships with one another and to learn in person from church leaders and authors. At the core of his idea was the vision to equip the national church in Brazil for the ministry of the Word, that a generation might rise up with a passion for the health of the local church and a delight in her Lord. 

Thirty-two years later, in 2016, we see the furtherance of that goal in the first ever Fiel Women’s Conference. Over this past weekend, five hundred women gathered in Atibaia from across Brazil to fellowship and to be encouraged in the truth of the gospel. Speakers included Elyse Fitzpatrick, her daughter Jessica Thompson, Gilson Santos, Sillas Campos, and Solano Portela. 

These women represent hundreds of churches and homes in this country where God builds His kingdom amid the dailyness of life, and Elyse reminded each of what their God has done on their behalf. She and her daughter Jessica told of a God who stooped to love sinners, a Father who adopted children, an elder Brother who gave His spotless record of righteousness. This love breaks into insecurities and pride, freeing one to forgive and to love others no matter the cost. The law of God drives His children into His arms. “I want you to be assured of His love for you,” Elyse told the women. 

Every act of faithfulness accomplished by the God-Man is now counted to the record of His people. His law still stands, and His commands are good, but “everything He asks us to do is rooted in what He has already done for us.” These women did not receive lists of what to do better, but reminders of their identity in Christ. They stand as those loved by the God of the universe and called from all eternity past. No failure will reduce His love for them, and no actions can increase the love which overflows from His heart toward them. 

Women of God are made beautiful by the white robes of Christ, and in His love alone they are given strength to forgive, courage to love, and the perseverance to live as His women in this world. This weekend, five hundred women return home: back to dishes, jobs, crying children, long lists, and needy people. May they be encouraged in the knowledge that they can walk into every situation with joy because of what Jesus has already done. 

It Fiel's desire that this and future conferences will prove a rich resource to the church in Brazil, and one which strengthens women in their callings and spheres of influence.  


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