Returning to School

Well, another semester at Reformation Bible College has begun! These past months have brought unbelievable blessing and deep joy, and I am humbled as I consider the ways my life is composed so entirely of the mercy and grace of a good God. 

Here are a couple pictures from the past couple weeks since leaving home.  Enjoy!

 A fun night out at Menchies a couple days before I left Washington. In case you don't know them, these kids provide entertainment and laughter for miles around wherever they go. And yes, we all happened to be involved in a remake of the Silver Chair while I was home on break. Puddleglum was the best part. And no, I'm afraid none of that illustrious production will ever be made public online. :)

Flying over the midwest on the way back to school.

And amazing friends. Walked into this returning from my first day of school. Chelsea is the best. I pranked her back approximately an hour later. Her roommate, Leslie, who let me in is clearly also the best. :)

A small picnic at the park with a couple of my roommates. The weather here has been absolutely unbelievable. 

The campus last night. Nothing like walking around quiet grounds and enjoying the night sounds. 

St. Andrews, in all her beauty. 

I studied in downtown Sanford today, and this scene cracked me up. That guy had a pretty big audience while he ate his lunch!!

"The relation of man to God in religion is is a conscious and voluntary one, and instead of enslaving man leads him into the enjoyment of the highest liberty. In religion man knows God on the one hand as a holy power on which he is absolutely dependent, and on the other hand, as the highest Good, the source of all natural and spiritual blessings. In it he entrusts himself voluntarily to God with all his interests for time and eternity, and thus acknowledges his dependence on Him. And it is exactly by this acknowledgement that the moral life of man gains the highest victory through the grace of God and enters upon the enjoyment of true liberty." 
-Louis Berkhof


  1. Those last few pictures are breathtaking. I love that gorgeous building against the night sky, and the bright clear day at the pier! What fun to see a glimpse of your adventures.


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