When thankfulness changes more than just you...

"There is no real thankfulness unless it is to Someone and thankfulness only helps your life because who you are thanking is the One who is all your Help.

"I thought of that in Haiti. I thought of that after Aurora. Success is seeking God where others doubt He can be found. Go to those places and do that and what other response can there be but a thanksgiving that gives your life away, that is the gift back to Him? Could I want anything more for you?

"That’s what you have to keep asking as you walk across this field, as you just keep on walking, and you can never stop asking: Why let one hurt fill your whole horizon — when right behind you God gives one thousand gifts to fill your whole life?

"Days that hurt and many of them: we all must lament — when you must cry but never deny the goodness of God.

"But whenever you are about to howl to the heavens, “I don’t deserve this!, close your eyes and remember Christ hanging on the cross and say it again aloud, “I don’t deserve this.”

"Grace is the most revolutionary perspective of all and it will turn everything around.

"The only real perspective to see anything by is grace.

"And if you always turn toward His grace, the bullets and barbaric of this world cannot. touch. you. And you’ll only become more beautiful, and His grace alone will turn you around and carry you right out and beyond all the ugliness of this world. I promise you this.

"Turn and lean into it, daughter, lean all into His love.
It may not be easy to be a woman in this world. But it is always perfect to be a woman in His hand."

From Ann Voskamp today--an old post that I've saved and recently re-discovered on my computer.  Read the rest here:


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